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융복합센터 협력 수료 강좌: IT 전문가과정

안녕하십니까! 국제융복합협회 융복합 MOOC센터에 방문해 주신 여러분을 환영합니다.국제융복합협회 융복합 MOOC센터는 홍익인간의 정신을 현대에 되살려 인간의 문제 해결과 복지증진에 이바지 할수 있도록  관련유관 강의를 누구나 학습할수 있도록 무료로 제공하고 있습니다. 

​또한 관련 교육기관과 유료료 협력 수료 강좌를 진행하고 있습니다.

IT 융복합-1 동영상 강의보기

제1장 서언


1.IT 융복합 개념

IT (Information Technology)를 번역하면 정보 기술이다. 정보(情報)의 사전적 의미는 “관찰이나 측정을 통하여 수집한 자료를 실제 문제에 도움이 될 수 있도록 정리한 지식 또는 그 자료”이다. 기술(技術)의 의미는 요약하면 “무엇인가를 만들어내거나 성취하는 방법”이고, 보다 넓게 정의하면 “인간의 욕구나 욕망에 적합하도록 주어진 대상을 변화시키는 모든 인간적 행위”를 말한다. 그래서 IT는 정보 수집을 위한 관찰이나 측정 기술, 정보 검색 및 편집 기술, 저장하는 기술, 전송하는 기술, 분석하여 유익한 의사 결정을 위한 판단 기술, 판단한 결과에 따라 실행하는 제어 기술, 보여주고 들려주기 위한 출력 기술 등 매우 다양한 기술로 분류할 수 있다. 이렇게 많은 것을 할 수 있는 IT융복합기술이 실행활에 활용 가능한 것은 기술의 지속적인 발전 덕분이다. 먼저 기반 기술을 살펴보면 과학과 수학 지식을 기초로 개발된 화학기술, 기계기술, 전기ᆞ전자기술, 소프트웨어기술, BIO 기술과 접목한 인식기술, 사람들의 욕구를 이해할 수 있는 인문학, 예술학 등이 있다. 또한 기반기술의 융복합을 통해 IT 융복합에 핵심적인 역할을 할 수 있게 한 것은 컴퓨터기술, 통신기술, 사물인터넷 기술, 빅데이터 수집기술, 빅데이터 처리를 통한 새로운 기능을 제공하는 인공지능 기술 등이 있다. 즉 IT 융복합 개념은 인간의 욕구나 욕망에 적합하도록 정보 처리에 필요한 요구 사항을 찾아내는 것과 이를 효과적으로 구현하는 방법을 찾기 위해 여러 가지 기술을 활용하는 것이다. 여기서 말하는 효과적인 방법은 필요한 요구 사항을 위해 지불할 수 있는 금액 대비 충분한 경제적인 가치가 있는 방법으로 기술을 제공할 수 있을 때 가능하다. 즉 IT 융복합의 개념으로 탄생한 많은 기술도 지금까지 발전한 다른 기술과 마찬가지로 경제성이 중요한 판단 기준이 된다. 한편 좁은 의미로 IT 융복합은 컴퓨터 관련 기술과 이들을 연결하는 통신기술을 말하는 경우도 있다.


2.IT 융복합을 위한 기술


기술이란 말은 그리스어(語) “테크네(Techne)”에서 유래된 말로 어원적으로는 예술, 의술 등이 포함되지만 오늘날은 주로 제품을 개발ᆞ생산하는 뜻으로 사용되며, 영어로는 Technology이다. 기술의 개념을 체계적으로 고찰한 최초의 철학자는 고대 그리스의 아리스토텔레스로서 “테크네는 외적인 것의 생산을 목적으로 하는 프래크시스(製作)”라고 정의하였다. 이 정의는 고대ᆞ중세를 거쳐 산업혁명 시대까지 포괄적인 것으로 알려졌으나, 산업혁명에 의한 기계문명의 출현으로 기술의 새로운 정의가 요구되었다. 과학의 응용이라는 측면과 노동 수단의 체계를 기술이라고 보게 되었다. 오늘날 점차 기술이 복잡해지면서 개념을 정의하고 학문적으로 연구하는 분야를 기술론(技術論) 이라고 한다. 대학에서는 주요 학문 분야로서 공학대학을 설치하고 다양한 학과로 분류하여 기술론을 연구하고 교육하고 있다. 한편 이와 같은 기술 발달의 역사를 규명하는 학문으로 기술사(技術史)가 연구되고 있다.

기술의 융복합은 어떤 의미일까? 산업혁명 시대를 열면서 과학의 응용이나 노동 수단의 발전을 위하여 매우 다양한 종류의 기술이 개발되었고, 이들 간의 융복합을 통해 인간의 욕구와 욕망을 충족시킬 완전히 새로운 제품을 개발할 수 있게 되었다. 이런 과정을 간단하게 설명하기 위해 과일 나무에 비유하여 설명하면 좋겠다. 먼저 인간의 욕구와 욕망을 충족시키는 제품을 나무에서 수확할 수 있는 과일로 생각할 수 있다. 좋은 과일을 수확하기 위해서는 우수한 품종의 나무를 좋은 토양에 심어서 충분한 햇빛을 잘 받게 하고 적절한 기온을 유지하는 것이 필요하다. 과일을 수확할 수 있는 나무는 여러 가지 기술의 융복합 결과이고, 나무가 자랄 수 있는 토양은 과학과 수학 지식이다. 나무를 구성하는 뿌리는 기반 기술들의 모임이고, 나무 줄기는 이들 기술이 상호 시너지 작용을 일으켜서 만든 융복합 기술이고, 나뭇잎은 사람들의 욕구나 제품을 판단하는 가치를 이해할 수 있는 인문학적 소양이다.

과학과 수학의 역할을 정리해 보자. 과학(科學)은 사전적 의미로 “보편적인 진리나 법칙의 발견을 목적으로 한 체계적인 지식”이라고 정의하는데 좁은 의미로는 자연 과학을 말한다. 자연(自然)은 사람의 힘이 더해지지 아니하고 세상에 스스로 존재하거나 우주에 저절로 이루어진 모든 존재나 상태이다.  즉 자연 과학은 자연의 존재나 상태에 대한 보편적인 진리나 법칙에 대한 지식이 된다. 오늘날 자연 과학은 우주의 탄생과 진화 원리부터 지구에 존재하는 모든 물질의 원자 구조까지 세밀하게 이해하는 단계까지 발전하고 있다. 수학(數學)은 물건을 헤아리거나 측정하는 것에서 시작되는 수(數)ᆞ양(量)에 관한 학문이며 다른 학문의 기초가 되기도 하고 인류 역사상 가장 오래전부터 발달해 온 학문이다. 즉 수학은 자연 과학의 보편적 진리나 법칙을 수(數)ᆞ양(量)으로 표현해 준다. 이런 과학과 수학적인 지식을 바탕으로 자연의 상태나 물질의 특성을 이해하고 활용하며 필요하면 알고 있는 2가지 이상의 자연물을 융복합하여 새로운 물질을 만들고 특성을 명확히 알아 내기도 한다. 앞에서 기술의 정의는 주어진 대상을 변화시키는 모든 인간적 행위라고 한 것을 고려하면 자연에 있는 존재나 상태를 인간의 욕구와 욕망에 맞추어 얼마나 변화시킬 것인지 결정하는 것이 기술이다. 그래서 기술은 과학이나 수학의 토양에서 뿌리를 내리며 자란다고 할 수 있다. 뿌리는 토양에서 영양분을 섭취하는 것이므로 기술을 분류하는 것은 영양분을 분류하는 것과 같은 의미라고 할 수 있다. 기술은 과학과 수학을 기반으로 분류하는 것이 일반적이다. 화학 기술, 기계 기술, 전기ᆞ전자 기술은 물질을 다루는 주요 기술이라 할 수 있다. 이 세가지 기술을 응용한 건축 기술, 토목 기술 등 많은 응용 기술이 있으며, 새롭게 개발된 주요한 기술이 제어 혹은 변환 기술이라고 할 수 있다. 제어 기술은 사람이 원하는 것을 기계가 할 수 있도록 움직이는 기술이며, 개인의 물리적인 능력을 키우는 결과를 만들어 산업 혁명의 기초가 되었다. 오늘날 제어 기술의 중요한 부분이 소프트웨어 기술인데 기계와 사람이 대화하는 언어 기술과 제어를 위한 방법으로 수학적 계산 방법을 활용한다.

좋은 제품 개발을 위해서는 기술의 융복합은 물론 인문학에서 연구하는 내용인 사람의 내재된 욕구와 욕망을 파악하여 제품 개발에 융합하는 방향으로 발전하고 있다. 이는 나뭇잎으로 비유했는데 나뭇잎처럼 세분화된 작은 요구에 맞추어 같은 나무에서 생산하는 열매가 모두 저마다의 특성을 반영하여 완성하는 것과 같다.

제2장 IT 융복합을 위한 디지털 기술


IT 융복합을 설명할 때 근간이 되는 기술은 디지털 기술이다. 음성신호, 영상신호 및 컴퓨터 데이터가 서로 다른 통신 방식으로 개발되었지만 하나의 통신망으로 통합이 가능한 것은 디지털 기술을 이용하여 신호를 융복합하기 때문이다. 즉 디지털 신호처리 방식의 사고는 융복합을 이루는 핵심적인 아이디어라고 할 수 있다. 디지털(Digital) 용어는 영어로 Digit(숫자의 단위), Digitize(일정 간격으로 나누다) 및 Digitization(일정 간격으로 나누고 0과 1 숫자로 표현)으로 설명할 수 있다. 즉 0과 1의 숫자로 모든 정보를 표현할 수 있다는 원리이고 부호화라고 부르기도 한다. 장점은 0과 1의 신호처리는 기술적으로 간단하고 2가지 이외 어떤 상태로 변하여 오류가 발생했을 경우에도 2가지 중 하나로 다시 복원시킬 수 있고 또한 일정양의 0과 1로 조합된 데이터 묶음(Packet)을 통신하면서 에러가 발생하면 정정하는 기능을 만들 수 있다. 또 다른 장점은 기술적으로 단순하기 때문에 깊은 연구를 통해 매우 정교하고 빠른 처리가 가능하도록 발전시킬 수 있다는 장점도 있다. 근대의 디지털 신호 처리의 시작은 미국인 화가 S.Morse가 1837년 규약으로 만든 모스부호인데 문자 알파벳과 숫자를 0과 1의 조합으로 표현하고 전자석을 이용하여 신호를 발생하는 방식이다. 이후 모스는 연구를 완성하여 1844년 모스전신기를 개발하고 미국 워싱턴과 볼티모어 사이에 전신송신사업을 시작했다. 또 다른 발병은 천공카드(Punch Card)의 개발이다. 1890년에 미국 인구 조사를 위해 통계를 처리하는데 많은 시간이 소요되는 문제를 해결하기 위하여 Herman Hollerith은 카드에 0과 1을 구별하기 위해 구멍을 뚫는 방식으로 처리한 것이다. 이후 그는 1896년 TMC라는 회사를 설립하여 천공카드를 이용하여 계산하는 기계를 만들기 시작했고 이는 컴퓨터 전문회사 IBM으로 이어졌다. 이후 디지털 통신 기술로 이어지며 급속도로 발전되어 아날로그 음성신호, 영상신호 등도 디지털로 변환하여 데이터 통신망과 통합되게 되었다. 여기에서 살펴볼 수 있는 융복합 아이디어는 명확한 원칙과 장점을 살릴 수 있는 아이디어는 꾸준히 발전하여 주변의 다른 것까지 흡수할 수 있다는 것이다.

시간의 변화에 따라 연속적으로 크기가 다르게 나타나는 아날로그 정보인 음성신호와 영상신호는 어떻게 디지털신호로 변환할 수 있는가? 이미 부호화 기술은 모스부호에서 문자 알파벳과 숫자를 0과 1의 부호 조합으로 표현할 수 있다는 것을 알았고 컴퓨터를 개발하면서 알파벳과 숫자를 부호화 하는 방식은 각 국가 표준으로 제정되어 있다. 이후 시간 연속 신호를 불연속인 신호로 만드는 방법을 고안하여 세계 표준으로 만들었다. 양자화 기술과 디지타이징(Digitizing) 기술을 활용했다. 영상신호는 표현하는 화면을 작게 나누어 화소라고 부르고 화소마다 빨강, 노랑, 파랑 삼원색의 조합으로 각각 디지털 데이터로 표현한다. 얼마의 속도로 데이터를 추출하는지가 양자화 속도인데 1초에 24화면이 변경도면 연속 영상으로 보인다. 또한 화소를 얼마나 작게 나누는지는 기술의 발달에 따라 결정되는데 30만화소에서 시작하여 지금은 8K 영상 텔레비전, 1억 화소 카메라까지 발전하고 있다. 여기에서 얻을 수 있는 융복합 아이디어는 디지털 데이터가 가지고 있는 많은 장점을 활용하기 위해서 전혀 특성이 다른 아날로그 신호를 디지털 데이터로 만드는 기술을 개발했다는 것이다. 음성신호, 영상신호 이외에도 사람의 오감과 신체 변화를 통해 만들어지는 신호, 자연의 모든 신호도 디지털 데이터로 변환하는 기술을 개발했고 지속 발전시키고 있다. 또한 인간의 욕구를 충족할 수 있는 장점이 있는 무엇이 있다면 그것을 실현하려는 기술 개발은 계속될 것이다. 인간의 욕구는 무엇을 원하고 있는가를 연구하고 기술적인 해결책을 찾는 것이 IT 융복합을 고려하는 중요한 이유다.

앵커 1

IT 전문가과정

1. What is IT

Information technology is the study, design, development, implementation, support or management of computer-based information systems—particularly software applications and computer hardware. IT workers help ensure that computers work well for people.


Information technology (IT) is the use of any computers, storage, networking and other physical devices, infrastructure and processes to create, process, store, secure and exchange all forms of electronic data.

Typically, IT is used in the context of business operations, as opposed to technology used for personal or entertainment purposes. The commercial use of IT encompasses both computer technology and telecommunications.

What does information technology encompass?

The term information technology has grown to embrace an array of technologies and related disciplines. IT still comprises basic computer-based information systems, including computing hardware, operating systems (OSes), application software and the data that is processed to produce useful information. Over time, each of these IT components and functions has become more complex, embracing ever-growing subsets of technologies and methodologies.

For example, application development began as a relatively linear process where systems analysts and programmers created code to achieve a business purpose. It has evolved into a more cooperative and organic process that embodies application creation processes, such as DevOps and agile software development.

Even operating systems -- the basic code that makes servers and client computers work -- have taken on new dimensions. Technologies such as virtualization and containerization have broken, or at least changed, the bond between OSes and host hardware. As a result, IT no longer just happens locally; cloud computing environments now complement and even replace on-premises resources of the traditional data center.

All these developments have made IT more complex and required greater specialization and new roles and responsibilities from the IT workforce.

Why is information technology important?

It's been said that data is what powers industries worldwide. That may be hyperbole, but few businesses -- large or small -- can remain competitive without the ability to collect data and turn it into useful information. IT provides the means to develop, process, analyze, exchange, store and secure information.

Data processing plays a significant role in these core business practices, among others, including:

product development and design;

marketing and market research;

sales and invoicing;

customer development and retention;

accounting and taxes;

human resources and payroll; and

regulatory compliance.

Computing has penetrated practically every part of business and much of our personal lives, as well. The ubiquity of computing -- also referred to as pervasive computing -- is another reason why IT is critical. Computing devices have evolved well beyond personal computers (PCs) and servers. Today, all businesses and most individuals have and use multiple computing devices, including phones, tablets, laptops, game consoles and even doorbells, thermostats, vacuums and many kitchen appliances.

Virtually all of these devices, many of which are part of the internet of things (IoT), tap into the internet, which interconnects billions of devices worldwide. It's a complex and, potentially, perilous environment that requires IT expertise for management, security, maintenance and reliability.

IT software and hardware

IT includes several layers of physical equipment (hardware), virtualization, management systems, automation tools, operating systems, other system software and applications used to perform essential functions. As noted above, user devices, peripherals and software can be included in the IT domain. IT can also refer to the architectures, methodologies and regulations governing the use and storage of data.

Information technology vs. computer science

When researching careers in IT, you're likely to come across the term computer science. While there is overlap between IT and computer science, the two are distinct disciplines with different courses of study to prepare for careers in either area.

Information technology

IT is generally associated with the application of technology to deal with business issues. As such, the IT workforce is oriented toward developed technologies such as hardware systems, OSes and application software. Proficiency in IT is required to identify the hardware and software components that should be used to enhance a specific business process. IT pros work with a variety of technologies, such as server OSes, communications devices and software, and applications.

Preparation for an IT career requires basic courses in hardware and software systems. IT degree programs may include subjects such as:

business analysis

project management


network administration

database design

database management


Find out how IT and computer science differ.

Computer science

Computer science focuses on the logic and design of the underpinnings of the components that IT experts use to assemble business systems. A strong mathematics background is required to pursue a computer science career. Much of the work in computer science involves developing the algorithms and logic and writing the low-level code that enables computer systems to address business problems.

Computer scientists may participate in the hardware and software engineering work required to develop products. They are also likely to delve into more abstract technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML).

A course of study in computer science requires a foundation in computer concepts and advanced mathematics. It may be complemented with subjects such as:

AI and ML

neural networks

security systems

data analytics

user experience

IT education and job functions

A team of administrators and other technical staffers deploy and manage a company's IT infrastructure and assets. IT teams depend on a range of specialized information and technology skills and knowledge to support equipment, applications and activities. Third-party contractors and IT vendor support personnel augment the IT team.The information technology profession is extremely diverse. IT workers can specialize in fields such as software development; application management; hardware components; server, storage or network administration; network architecture; and more. Many businesses seek IT professionals with mixed or overlapping skill sets.

Careers in information technology

There is a wide array of IT careers, each with varying technological and managerial requisites. Among the most common IT job titles are the following:

  • Chief information officer (CIO). This person is responsible for IT and computer systems that support the goals of the business.

  • Chief technology officer (CTO). This person sets the technology goals and policies within an organization.

  • IT director. This person is responsible for the function of the business's technology tools and processes. This role may also be called IT manager or IT leader.

  • System administrator (sys admin). This person configures, manages, supports and troubleshoots a multiuser computing environment. Within a business, this role can be divided up by technology, requiring an administrator or team dedicated to server, desktop, network administration, virtualization, or other components and technologies.

  • Application manager. This person's role centers on the provisioning and management of a high-value business application, such as Exchange.

  • Developer or software engineer. This person or team writes, updates and tests code for computer programs to meet internal or customer-facing business objectives.

  • Chief IT architect or IT architect. This person examines and changes IT functions to best support the business.

IT skills and certifications

A successful IT career will involve developing several technical skills. For the current IT job market, these 10 skills are among those most in demand:


cloud computing

edge computing and IoT

IT automation

software development

big data management and data analytics




mobile application development

In the pursuit of these IT disciplines, it is advantageous to earn certification to demonstrate proficiency in specific technologies and areas of expertise. Some of the most highly regarded certifications include the following:

VMware Certified Professional (VCP)

2. 26 Most-Common Terms Entry-Level

There is a wide array of IT careers, each with varying technological and managerial requisites. Among the most common IT job titles are the following:

  • Chief information officer (CIO). This person is responsible for IT and computer systems that support the goals of the business.

  • Chief technology officer (CTO). This person sets the technology goals and policies within an organization.

  • IT director. This person is responsible for the function of the business's technology tools and processes. This role may also be called IT manager or IT leader.

  • System administrator (sys admin). This person configures, manages, supports and troubleshoots a multiuser computing environment. Within a business, this role can be divided up by technology, requiring an administrator or team dedicated to server, desktop, network administration, virtualization, or other components and technologies.

  • Application manager. This person's role centers on the provisioning and management of a high-value business application, such as Exchange.

  • Developer or software engineer. This person or team writes, updates and tests code for computer programs to meet internal or customer-facing business objectives.

  • Chief IT architect or IT architect. This person examines and changes IT functions to best support the business.

IT skills and certifications

A successful IT career will involve developing several technical skills. For the current IT job market, these 10 skills are among those most in demand:


cloud computing

edge computing and IoT

IT automation

software development

big data management and data analytics




mobile application development

In the pursuit of these IT disciplines, it is advantageous to earn certification to demonstrate proficiency in specific technologies and areas of expertise. Some of the most highly regarded certifications include the following:

IT 융복합개론-3 동영상 강의보기

앵커 2
앵커 3

3.Basic Computer Terms

●Booting Process

Power – motherboard--Rom bios- CPU—Graphic card--Ram—hard disk—input devise—output device


There are many different types of computer hardware. Computer servers run business applications. Servers interact with client devices in the client-server model. They also communicate with other servers across computer networks, which typically link to the internet.

Storage is another type of hardware. It's any technology that holds information as data. Storage may be local on a specific server or shared among many servers, and it may be installed on premises or accessed via a cloud service. Information that is stored can take many forms, including file, multimedia, telephony, and web and sensors data. Storage hardware includes volatile random-access memory (RAM) as well as non-volatile tape, hard disk drives and solid-state drives.

Telecom equipment, comprising network interface cards (NICs), cabling, wireless communications and switching devices, connect the hardware elements together and to external networks.

● Body


Central processing unit; the brain of the computer; controls the other elements of the computer


Random access memory; the type of storage that changes; when the computer is turned off, the RAM memory is erased

■Hard Drive

A device (usually within the computer case) that reads and writes information, including the operating system, program files, and data files


Read-only memory; the type of storage that is not changed even when the computer is turned off



A peripheral used to input data by pressing keys


A peripheral device used to point to items on a monitor

▶Disk Drive

A peripheral device that reads and/or writes information on a disk


A small flexible disk used for storing computer data



A device used to display information visually


A peripheral device that converts output from a computer into a printed image



A peripheral device used to connect one computer to another over a phone line


Network interface card; a board inserted in a computer that provides a physical connection to a network



There are two categories of software: system software and applications.

System software encompasses the computer programs that manage the basic computing functions. They include the following:

Business applications include:

  • databases, such as SQL Server;

  • transactional systems, such as real-time order entry;

  • email servers, like Microsoft Exchange

  • web servers, like Apache and Microsoft's Internet Information Services (IIS);

  • customer relationship management (CRM), such as Oracle NetSuite and HubSpot; and

  • enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, like SAP S/4HANA.

These applications make use of programmed instructions to manipulate, consolidate, disperse and otherwise work with data for a business purpose.

Mobile applications that run on smartphones, tablets and other portable devices typically connect with cloud or data center applications over the internet. These applications have expanded the scope of computing and created a new category of software and telecommunications that requires special expertise to maintain.

Abstracting hardware and software

IT architectures have evolved to include virtualization and cloud computing, where physical resources are abstracted and pooled in different configurations to meet application requirements. Clouds may be distributed across locations and shared with other IT users, or they can be contained within a corporate data center, or some combination of both deployments.

Volatility is a characteristic of virtualized resources, enabling them to expand and contract as needed. Subscription-based cloud or locally installed resources, such as storage or composable architectures, can spin up resources, such as servers, OSes and application software, as needed and then release them when processing is complete.

Operating program

- Window

A screen in a software program that permits the user to view several programs at one time




Complete, self-contained programs that perform a specific function (ie. spreadsheets, databases)


A program arranged in rows and columns that manipulates numbers

-Word Processor

A program that allows the user to create primarily text documents


Software program that controls a piece of hardware or a peripheral



Software provided at no cost to the user


Software provided at a minimal cost to users who are on their honor to send in payment to the programmer

—Groupware : 집단으로 서의 작업을 지원하기 위해 만들어진 소프트웨어

Business Process Management(생애 주기) : 프로세스 설계-시뮬레이션-구현-실행-모니터링-최적화



A deliberately harmful computer program designed to create annoying glitches or destroy data


A part of a program that usually causes the computer to malfunction; often remedied in patches or updates to the program


The process of loading or initializing an operating system on a computer; usually occurs as soon as a computer is turned on


A computer's most basic unit of information


Small unit of data storage; 8 bits; usually holds one character


1,024 bytes; usually abbreviated KB


1,048,576 bytes or 1,024 kilobytes; enough storage to approximately equal a 600 page paperback book; generally abbreviated Mb


Any device that holds computer data


1,073,741,824 bytes or 1,024 megabytes; generally abbreviated GB



Occurs when a user presses a button on a mouse which in turn, generates a command to the computer


A large structured set of data; a file that contains numerous records that contain numerous fields

Double Click

Occurs when a user presses a button on the mouse twice in quick succession; this generates a command to the computer


Occurs when a user points the mouse at an icon or folder, presses the button and without releasing the button, moves the icon or folder to another place on the computer where the button is released


Frequently asked question; documents that answer questions common to a particular website or program


Namable unit of data storage; an element of data storage; a single sequence of bytes


A graphical representation used to organize a collection of computer files; as in the concept of a filing cabinet (computer's hard drive) with files (folders)


Graphical user interface; uses pictures and words to represent ideas, choices, functions, etc.


A small picture used to represent a file or program in a GUI interface


A list of operations available to the user of a program


Any of a number of hardware devices connected to a CPU


Scroll Bar

Allows the user to control which portion of the document is visible in the window; available either horizontally or vertically or both

Tool Bar

A graphical representation of program activities; a row of icons used to perform tasks in a program




5.The Top 20 Internet Terms

POSTED ON MAY 7, 2012 BY BLOWFISH121for Beginners, 2012

Welcome, readers!  As you strive to make sense of the Internet and the World Wide Web, these 30 terms are bound to be very helpful.


The Internet is a vast ‘interconnection of computer networks’ that spans the globe.  It is comprised of millions of computing devices that trade volumes of information.  Desktop computers, mainframes, GPS units, cell phones, car alarms, video game consoles, and even soda pop machines are connected to the Net.  

The Internet started in the late 1960’s as an American military project, and has since evolved into a massive public spider web. No single organization owns or controls the Internet.  The Net has grown into a spectacular mishmash of non-profit, private sector, government, and entrepreneurial broadcasters.

The Internet houses many layers of information, with each layer dedicated to a different kind of documentation. These different layers are called ‘protocols’. The most popular protocols are the World Wide Web, FTP, Telnet, Gopher space, instant messaging, and email.

The World Wide Web, or ‘Web’ for short, is the most popular portion of the Internet.  The Web is viewed through web browser software.


Uniform resource locator; the address of a site on the World Wide Web; a standard way of locating objects on the Internet


A collection of computers that are connected


A program used to view World Wide Web pages, such as Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer


A network of computer networks encompassing the World Wide Web, FTP, telnet, and many other protocols

IP number

Internet protocol; a computer's unique address or number on the Internet


Transferring data from another computer to your computer




http is a technical acronym that means ‘hypertext transfer protocol’, the language of web pages. When a web page has this prefix, then your links, text, and pictures should work in your web browser.


https is ‘hypertext transfer protocol SECURED’.  This means that the web page has a special layer of encryption added to hide your personal information and passwords.  Whenever you log into your online bank or your web email account, you should see https at the front of the page address.

:// is the strange expression for ‘this is a computer protocol’.  We add these 3 characters in a Web address to denote which set of computer lanaguage rules affect the document you are viewing.



A browser is a free software package that lets you view web pages, graphics, and most online content.  Browser software is specifically designed to convert HTML and XML into readable documents.

The most popular web browsers in 2012 are: Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Safari.


Hypertext Markup Language is the programmatic language that web pages are based on. HTML commands your web browser to display text and graphics in orderly fashion. HTML uses commands called ‘HTML tags’ that look like the following:

  • <body></body>

  • <title></title>

XML is eXtensible Markup Language, a cousin to HTML.  XML focuses on cataloging and databasing the text content of a web page. XML commands look like the following:

  • <entry>

  • <address>

  • <city>

XHTML is a combination of HTML and XML.

5. URL

URL’s, or ‘uniform resource locators’, are the web browser addresses of Internet pages and files. A URL works together with IP addresses to help us name, locate, and bookmark specific pages and files for our web browsers.

URL’s commonly use three parts to address a page or file: the protocol (which is the portion ending in ‘//:’); the host computer (which sometimes ends in .com); and the filename/pagename itself. For example:


Your computer’s ‘internet protocol’ address is a four-part electronic serial number. An IP address looks something like ‘’, complete with dot separators.  Every computer, cell phone, and device that accesses the Internet is assigned at least one IP address for tracking purposes. Wherever you browse, whenever you send an email or instant message, and whenever you download a file, your IP address acts like a type of automobile license plate to enforce accountability and traceability.


Email  (formerly spelled e-mail with a hyphen) is electronic mail.  It is the sending and receiving of typewritten messages from one screen to another.  Email is usually handled by a webmail service (e.g. Gmail or Yahoomail), or an installed software package (e.g. Microsoft Outlook).

Email has many cousins: text messaging, instant messaging, live chat, videomail (v-mail), Google Waving.


A blog (‘web log’) is a modern online writer’s column.  Amateur and professional writers publish their blogs on most every kind of topic: their hobby interest in paintball and tennis, their opinions on health care, their commentaries on celebrity gossip, photo blogs of favorite pictures, tech tips on using Microsoft Office. Absolutely anyone can start a blog, and some people actually make reasonable incomes by selling advertising on their blog pages.


Social media is the broad term for any online tool that enables users to interact with thousands of other users. Instant messaging and chatting are common forms of social media, as are blogs with comments, discussion forums, video-sharing and photo-sharing websites. and are very large social media sites, as are and

Social bookmarking is a the specific form of social media. Social bookmarking is where users interact by recommending websites to each other (‘tagging sites’).

10. ISP

ISP is Internet Service Provider.  That is the private company or government organization that plugs you into the vast Internet around the world.  Your ISP will offer varying services for varying prices:  web page access, email, hosting your own web page, hosting your own blog, and so on.  ISP’s will also offer various Internet connection speeds for a monthly fee. (e.g. ultra high speed Internet vs economy Internet).

Today, you will also hear about WISP’s, which are Wireless Internet Service Providers.  They cater to laptop users who travel regularly.


Downloading is a broad term that describes when you make a personal copy of something you find on the Internet or World Wide Web.  Commonly, downloading is associated with songs, music, and software files  (e.g. “I want to download a new musical ringtone for my cell phone”, “I want to download a trial copy of Microsoft Office 2010”).  The larger the file you are copying, the longer the download will take to transfer to your computer.  Some downloads will take 12 to 15 hours, depending on your Internet speed.

Be warned: downloading itself is fully legal, as long as you are careful not to download pirated movies and music.


Malware is the broad term to describe any malicious software designed by hackers. Malware includes: viruses, trojans, ratware, keyloggers, zombie programs, and any other software that seeks to do one of four things:

  1. vandalize your computer in some way

  2. steal your private information

  3. take remote control of your computer (‘zombie’ your computer) for other ends

  4. manipulate you into purchasing something

Malware programs are the time bombs and wicked minions of dishonest programmers.


A router, or in many cases, a router-modem combination, is the hardware device that acts as the traffic cop for network signals into your home. A router can be wired or wireless or both. Your router provides both a defense against hackers, and the redirection service of deciding which specific computer or printer should get which signals in your home. If your router or router-modem is configured correctly, your Internet speed will be fast, and hackers will be locked out.  If your router is poorly configured, you will experience network sluggishness and possible hacker intrusions.


Keywords are search terms used to locate documents. Keywords are anywhere from one to five words long, separated by spaces or commas:  e.g. “horseback riding calgary” e.g. “ipad purchasing advice”  e.g. “ebay tips selling”. Keywords are the foundation for cataloging the Web, and the primary means by which you and I will find anything on the Web.Tags (sometimes called ‘labels’) are recommendation keywords. Tags and labels focus on crosslinking you to related content… they are the modern evolution of ‘suggestions for further reading’.


Texting is the short way to say ‘text messaging’, the sending of short electronic notes usually from a cell phone or handheld electronic device.  Texting is popular with people who are mobile and away from their desk computers.  Texting is something like the pagers of old, but has the file attachment ability of email. 

To send a text message, you will usually need a keyboard-enabled cellphone and a text message service through your cellphone provider.  You address your text messages using the recipient’s phone number.

17. P2P

P2P file sharing (‘peer-to-peer’) is the most voluminous Internet activity today.  P2P is the cooperative trading of files amongst thousands of individual users. P2P participants install special software on their computers, and then voluntarily share their music, movies, ebooks, and software files with each other.

Through ‘uploading’ and ‘downloading’, users trade files that are anywhere from 1 megabyte to 5 gigabytes large. This activity, while in itself a fully legal pasttime, is very controversial because thousands of copyrighted songs and movies trade hands through P2P.


A bookmark (aka “favorite”) is a marker that you can place on web pages and files.  You would bookmark something because:

  1. You want to return to the page or file later

  2. You want to recommend the page or file to someone else

Bookmarks/Favorites can be made using your right mouse click menu, or the menus/toolbars at the top of your web browser.  Bookmarks/Favorites can also be made on your Mac or Windows computer files.


Addons are custom software modifications. User optionally install addons to improve the power of their Web browsers or office software. Examples include: a custom eBay toolbar for your Firefox browser, a new search feature for your Outlook email. Most addons are free, and can be found and downloaded from the Web.

Plugins are a special kind of web browser addon. Plugins are essentially required addons, if you wish to view very specialized web pages.  Examples include: Adobe Flash or Shockwave player, Microsoft Silverlight player, Adobe Acrobat pdf reader.

6.major terms IT Professionals Should Know

3. Big Data

What is it?

Big data describes the phenomenal growth, use, and accessibility of information. This comes from a lot of sources such as social media updates, search data, multimedia content, and even climate information, among others.  As such, it could be structured or unstructured. Big data could also mean the rise of new tools to analyze all the data available to you.

Why is it Important to the IT Professional?

Because of the size and complexity of big data, it is not possible to understand it using old data processing applications and other traditional tools. But to ignore big data is a mistake for organizations. For one, it allows you to have all the information you need in order to know where you should take your business next, as well as which innovations you should look out for. It can also assist businesses in mass personalization: the ability to tailor services and information being presented to each customer or user.

4. Business Intelligence (BI)

What is it?

One of the most important IT terms, business intelligence refers to an array of software and tools that businesses can use to analyze raw data. It includes data mining, analysis, and reporting.

Why is it Important to the IT Professional?

Business intelligence allows you to cut costs, make better business decisions, and even come up with new opportunities for your business. For IT professionals, these tools and software free them up from having to do all the work in pulling up data and information for business managers.

6. Cloud Computing

What is it?

Cloud computing is an umbrella term that includes products, services, and platforms that allow businesses and other users to access computing resources that are delivered to them over the Internet or other networks.

Why is it Important to the IT Professional?

Businesses stand to gain a lot from cloud computing. It allows businesses to save on costs, bring projects to the market in a lot less time, and enables them to effectively manage resources by allowing them to scale according to their needs. For IT personnel, cloud computing could free you from having to manage and administer these systems yourself, leaving you more time to focus on things that matter. You will also be working with experts from the cloud service provider. As more and more businesses are looking to the cloud, IT personnel should acquire the skills to properly implement these systems.

7. Content Management

What is it?

Content management is a collection of tools, software, and processes that allow you to collect, manage, and publish information on any medium. Content management also ensures that whatever content you have is indexable or searchable, making it easy for users to find that information. It also encompasses deletion of content.

Why is it Important to the IT Professional?

Content management can make or break an organization's success. You get to control the information that other people get to access. As such, being an IT professional, you would be expected to know effective content management strategies as well as the tools and software to implement these.

8. Cross-Platform

What is it?

Cross-platform (a.k.a. agnostic, agnostic application, and agnostic platform) refers to something that is interoperable among different operating systems, systems, and platforms.  Cross-platform, however, is more focused on software that can run on any operating system and on any processor architecture.

Why is it Important to the IT Professional?

As an IT professional, you want something that you could use on any computer anywhere. As a software developer, you want to have as many potential users as possible. But this is becoming very pronounced now as more and more devices become available. Moreover, there are a variety of operating systems for each of these devices. Coming up with a Cross-platform software ensures your dominance in your field. Take for example Firefox. Mozilla has poured a lot of hours into making sure that Firefox works on PCs, Macs, Linux machines, and iOS and Android devices. What this means is that a lot more of their users are using Firefox and keeping their devotion to the browser. This leaves no leeway for the competition to get into the picture.

9. Crowdsourcing

What is it?

Crowdsourcing means the outsourcing of your tasks to, well, a crowd of people. That is, you will have a loosely defined group, which will do the work for you. Crowdsourcing takes away the task that you have to do in-house or by using an employee and letting a bigger group of people do it. In IT, crowdsourcing usually involves the general public.

Why is it Important to the IT Professional?

Crowdsourcing is a good way to gain a bigger work force or gain specific skill sets to make your product or service even better. An example where crowdsourcing works perfectly is in your website's content. In an age where unique content is vital, you could use crowdsourcing to come up with great content for your site. You can ask people to rate or review your products, or they could write posts for you. Another example would be its utility with a new software or service.  When Google first came out with Chrome, they invited users to check out a beta version of the product and asked them to report errors and suggest more functionality.

10.  Customer Relationship Management

What is it?

Customer relationship management refers to a set of processes, tools, technologies, and software that help businesses manage their relationships with their customers. For instance, a customer relationship management software would be able to give businesses enough details about their customers from the level of communication that has been done by each customer and when. This allows businesses to personalize and customize their contacts with the customer to gain more sales.

Why is it Important to the IT Professional?

Building relationships with the customer allows a business to sell more. But that is not the only reason why CRM tools, processes, and software are very important, as it also enables businesses to know just what a customer needs. As an IT professional, you would need to know these platforms and software so that you could fine-tune it to the business' needs. What's more, it has backend programming and interfaces that only IT could deliver.

11.  Data Center

What is it?

A data center is a repository for managing, storing, and disseminating information and data that is organized around a specific business or body of knowledge. In short, it is a facility that houses your computer systems, components, servers and storage systems. Examples of data centers include the National Climatic Data Center, which houses weather information, and your own company's data center.

Why is it Important to the IT Professional?

A data center becomes increasingly important as your company grows. It is vital to business operations and continuity. If your IT system is compromised, so will your operations. At the heart of every data center is the IT team running it. As an IT professional, you will be expected to know how to maintain, administer, and run a data center and its associated services.

12.  Disaster Recovery

What is it?

Disaster recovery is your business' ability to continue working after a catastrophe has occurred.  The catastrophe could be in the form of a computer virus or a hacker attack, a fire, or even natural disasters such as earthquakes and floods. This is closely related to business continuity, which allows your business to continue operating even during such catastrophes.

Why is it Important to the IT Professional?

Just think about this: IT downtime is the reason why businesses lose on average $300,000 for only one hour of downtime. So can you just imagine how much money a business would lose in the event a natural calamity strikes or your system gets attacked by cybercriminals? IT fuels much of today's business operations and, as such, a big part of any disaster recovery plan that involves or is even more focused on IT and its resources.

13.  Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS)

What is it?

Disaster recovery as a service is implementing your disaster recovery policies and procedures with the help of the cloud. DRaaS is not just merely backing up your data on the cloud, but you can also tap computing power from your cloud provider so that you could more or less have a virtual machine where you could continue to operate from. Merely backing up your data would mean that you can just download the latest backup when disaster strikes. If you have lost your computers and network during the disaster, you will need to buy before you could continue to operate. DRaaS takes care of that, which reduces the delay in getting back on your feet.

Why is it Important to the IT Professional?

As more and more go to the cloud, more and more businesses are also realizing the benefits of doing so.  With disaster recovery and business continuity becoming a vital part of every business, IT professionals would need to learn how to leverage DRaaS and still keep it cost-effective for the company.  Tech professionals would need to ensure that data put on the cloud is secured, and accessible whenever it is needed. But they also have to balance these with the costs.

14.  Disruptive Technology

What is it?

First coined by Clayton Christensen, a Harvard Business School professor and best-selling author, disruptive technology refers to a new technology that surprisingly displaces an already established one.

Examples of disruptive technology: Take a look at how far your own computer's storage has gone. First, you have the 5.25 inch floppy disk drive, which replaced those bulky 8-inch floppy disks. Then you had the CDs and then the flash drives that could store more than your hard drive could, in some cases. Then from having these flash drives, you can now download content from the net and have these stored on the cloud.

Traditional, bulky, and multi-volume printed encyclopedias have also been dying because of online encyclopedias and wikis. CRT TVs have long lost to LCD and Plasma TVs.

Why is it Important to the IT Professional?

IT is a very dynamic field, and innovations come up every so often. IT professionals need to keep their skills updated and be on the lookout for disruptive technologies that could replace tech that is current in order to remain relevant in the industry.

15.  Enterprise Architecture

What is it?

Enterprise architecture is basically a function that helps businesses find out how to implement the best strategies for its development. Think of it as a business' blueprint for success.

Why is it Important to the IT Professional?

IT is one of the resources that is managed in enterprise architecture. People, operations, and information are the other three.

16.  Green Technology

What is it?

Green technology is technically environment-friendly innovations and technology that relate to safety, health, energy efficiency, renewable resources, and recycling, among other things.

Examples of green technology include solar cells, reusable bottled water, and other similar products.

Why is it Important to the IT Professional?

Green technology is not only great for the environment, but as more and more people become environmentally aware, they tend to go for products and innovations that help save Mother Earth. Not only that, green tech also helps them save on energy bills.

17.  Healthcare IT

What is it?

Healthcare IT or health information technology is a function of IT that deals with the creation, design, use, development, and maintenance of IT systems to be used in the healthcare industry.

Why is it Important to the IT Professional?

Healthcare IT systems are very beneficial to hospitals, clinics, and other health businesses because it can lower their costs, reduce errors, and increase efficiency, which all lead to better patient care. This would call for skilled IT practitioners who could work to improve the computer systems and compliance of healthcare related businesses, thus offering a new area where skilled IT professionals would be more in demand.

18.  IT Governance

What is it?

IT governance is just corporate governance that is focused on information technology systems.  It reviews the performance and security risks of IT systems.

Why is it Important to the IT Professional?

IT governance is required by law, especially due to the Sarbanes Oxley Act and Basel II.  But more than this, IT governance will show the business just how important IT is to it, as well as define key metrics with which to measure performance and whether or not IT is helping the organization achieve its goals.

19.  ITIL®

What is it?

The Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL®) sets forth the best practices and standards for providing IT services.

Why is it Important to the IT Professional?

ITIL® is a highly credible framework that all IT professionals should consult and adhere to when doing their jobs. It is adopted by most IT departments. Certification for ITIL® is also highly sought after and could help you build a career in IT, as well as give you a higher salary.

20.  Virtualization

What is it?

Virtualization is the development of a virtual version of an IT resource, such as a server, storage, device, or even operating system. It simulates software and hardware that allows a software to run. Virtualization gives rise to virtual machines where you can run programs very much like on a physical machine.

Why is it Important to the IT Professional?

Because of its benefits to businesses, such as significant cost savings and the ease with which a business can allocate vital resources, virtualization remains an important trend in IT. IT professionals who know how to configure, maintain, and administer virtual servers, desktops, applications, and storage will surely be in demand.

21. Artificial Intelligence

What is it? 

Also known sometimes as machine intelligence, artificial intelligence is intelligence that is demonstrated in a machine. The goal is to create machines or programs that can work, react, and respond like a human. This can include speech recognition, learning, planning, and problem-solving. 

Why is it Important to the IT Professional?

Because AI allows for programs and machines that understand, reason, plan, and communicate at a low cost while increasing efficiency and productivity, a growing number of companies want to implement AI programs and machines. Being able to understand and manage AI is a growing need and responsibility for IT professionals. 

22. Biometrics

What is it?

Biometrics is an important IT term that refers to the physical characteristics that are unique to the user. This can include facial recognition, fingerprints, and voice recognition. These are individual characteristics of the user that are used as account or user verification, typically in line with traditional passwords. 

Why is it Important to the IT Professional?

Biometrics are being used in both the workplace as well as in consumer electronics as an additional step in account protection and verification. IT professionals who are able to integrate biometrics are in high demand. 

23. Wearables

What is it?

Wearables is an IT term that refers to wearable technology. This includes devices like smartwatches and fitness bands. These devices are usually paired with a smartphone or other device that has access to the internet, but there are some devices that do not require a parent device to function. 

Why is it Important to the IT Professional?

Wearables are a growing trend that make modern technology accessible and fashionable. The development of these products poses a few hurdles for IT professionals. If you are based in security and protection of information, it is important to see the security risks that wearables pose so you can best guard the information you are paid to protect. 

If you are dealing with product creation and development, wearables are a growing trend. Being able to include technology in accessible and stylish ways is in high demand. 

24. GUI

What is it? 

GUI is a common IT terminology that stands for Graphical User Interface, or “gooey.” It is an interface that is based in graphic design and audio indicators. This is different than a text-based interface. 

Why is it Important to the IT Professional?

For most web-based designs and applications, GUI is the king. Knowing how to make and manage a functioning GUI is essential for many fields.

25. Open Source

What is it?

Open-source programs include access to their source code, which allows for customization in a collaborative public manner. 

Why is it Important to the IT Professional?

Open-source programs and products are valuable tools to IT professionals because they give you direct access to other professionals’ experience and expertise. These programs are more motivated by accessibility and productivity rather than monetization. Often they are created by communities that are banding together to get the product developed that they all need, rather than a single individual producing and coding a product alone.

26. Machine Learning

What is it?

Machine learning is the ability of a program to develop and progress in a specific task without using explicit instructions, allowing the program to rely on patterns and inference instead. Machine learning allows for a machine or program to develop and create a solution on its own once limitations and standards are set, rather than simply following programing. 

Why is it Important to the IT Professional?

Machine learning takes some development and problem-solving away from the programming team and instead puts it on the machine to produce the desired results. This means that IT professionals need to understand algorithms and automation when dealing with machine learning to best facilitate what the machine is trying to accomplish. 

Machine learning is also an important key to AI. IT is one thing to have a programmable AI that responds the same way in every circumstance, but with machine learning, the AI is able to assess and develop new solutions to become something more than it was originally developed for without human intervention. 

If you're interested in learning more about some of these terms, check out TrainSignal's iPads in the Enterprise and VMware Training Videos.

ITIL® is a Registered Trade Mark of the Cabinet Office.

7.경영과 IT


▶ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning)

—ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning) : 인사, 재무, 생산 등 기업의 전 부문을 하나의 통합 시스템으로 재구축함으로써 생산성 극대화 기법.

--ERP 는 전사적 자원 관리라고 불리며, 말 그대로 기업 활동을 위해 쓰여지고 있는 기업 내의 모든 인적, 물적자원을 효율적으로 관리하여 긍극적으로 기업의 경쟁력을 강화시켜 주는 역할을 하게 되는 통합정보시스템이라고 할 수 있습니다.

--기업은 경영 활동의 수행을 위해 여러 시스템, 즉 생산, 판매, 인사, 회계, 자금, 원가, 고정 자산등의 운영 시스템을 갖고 있는데 ERP는 이처럼 전 부문에 걸쳐 있는 경영 자원을 하나의 체계로 통합적 시스템을 재 구축함으로써 생산성을 극대화하려는 대표적인 기업 리엔지니어링 기법입니다.

--과거의 경영 지원을 위한 각 Sub System 들은 해당 분야의 업무를 처리하고 정보를 가공하여 의사결정을 지원하기도 하지만 별개의 System 으로 운영되어 정보가 타 부문에 동시에 연결되지 않아 불편과 낭비를 초래하게 됩니다.

--이러한 문제점을 해결하기 위해 ERP 는 어느 한 부문에서 Data 를 입력하면 회사의 전 부문에 동시에, 필요에 따라서 정보로 활용할 수 있게 하자는 것입니다.

--ERP 를 실현하기 위해서 공급되고 있는 S/W 를 ERP Package 라고 하는데 이 Package 는 데이터를 어느 한 시스템에서 입력을 하면 전체적으로 자동 연결되어, 별도로 Interface 처리하여야 할 필요가 없는 통합 운영이 가능한 시스템입니다.

출처: [Web Club]


—ERM(Enterprise Risk Management) : 기업이 직면하고 있는 주요 위험들을 식별하고 관리하기 위한 위험 관리 방식




■ 생산 관리

▶Product Data Management(제품 데이터 관리) : 소프트웨어나 다른 툴을 이용하여 특정 제품과 관련된 데이터를 추적하고 관리하는 것을 지칭한다

▶Six Sigma : 기업 내에서 전략적으로 완벽에 가까운 제품이나 서비스를 개발하고 제공하려는 목적으로 정립된 품질 관리 기법

▶5-Forces : 기존 경쟁자 간의 경쟁 정도, 공급자들의 교섭력, 구매자들의 교섭력, 잠재적 진입자들의 위협, 대체제의 위협 이 다섯 가지 요소들의 강약에 의해 산업 내 잠재적 이윤의 수준이 결정되며 산업 분석을 이용하면 전반적 산업의 경쟁강도 파악이 가능하며 특히 산업 내 어느 부분에서 경쟁이 일어나는지 파악 할 수 있다

▶PLM(Product Lifecycle Management) : 기업이 제품의 원가를 낮추고 부가가치를 높일 수 있도록 기획부터 설계, 생산, 서비스, 폐기에 이르는 수명주기를 관리하는 것


▶CRM--customer relationship management

Customer Relationship Management의 약자로 우리말로는 '고객관계관리'라고 한다.

기업이 고객과 관련된 내외부 자료를 분석·통합해 고객 중심 자원을 극대화하고 이를 토대로 고객특성에 맞게 마케팅 활동을 계획·지원·평가하는 과정이다.

CRM은 최근에 등장한 데이터베이스 마케팅(DB marketing)의 일대일 마케팅(One-to-One marketing), 관계마케팅(Relationship marketing)에서 진화한 요소들을 기반으로 등장하게 되었다.

고객데이터의 세분화를 실시하여 신규고객획득, 우수고객 유지, 고객가치증진, 잠재고객 활성화, 평생고객화와 같은 사이클을 통하여 고객을 적극적으로 관리하고 유도한다.

기존 마케팅이 단발적인 마케팅 전술이라면 CRM은 고객과의 지속적인 관계를 유지하면서 '한 번 고객은 평생고객'이 될수 있는 기회를 만들며, 평생고객화를 통해 고객의 가치를 극대화하는 것.

CRM은 고객의 정보, 즉 데이터베이스를 기초로 고객을 세부적으로 분류하여 효과적이고 효율적인 마케팅 전략을 개발하는 경영전반에 걸친 관리체계며, 이를 정보기술이 밑받침돼 구성된다.

CRM을 구현하기 위해서는 고객 통합 데이터베이스(DB)가 구축돼야 하고, 구축된 DB로 고객 특성(구매패턴·취향 등)을 분석하고 고객 개개인의 행동을 예측해 다양한 마케팅 채널과 연계돼야 한다.

과거 은행·증권 등 금융 오프라인 기업들이 컴퓨터응용기술로 가입자 신상명세, 거래내역 등을 데이터화해 콜센터를 구축하는 등에 많이 적용했으나 최근 회원관리가 생명인 닷컴기업들이 가입자 확보를 위해 서둘러 CRM을 도입하고 있다.

▶VRM(Vendor Relationship Management) : 개인이 기업에게 제공할 개인정보, 선호도, 패턴 등을 관리하는 기술로, 기업이 고객의 정보를 분석 및 통합하여 관리하는 CRM에 반대되는 개념, 개인이 기업에 제공할 정보와 선호도를 관리, 보안이 중요시됨. VRM vs CRM

▶Escrow 서비스 : 전자상거래 시 판매자와 구매자의 거래가 문제없이 이루어질 수 있도록 제 3자가 도와주는 매매 보호 서비스

▶마이핀 : 법적 근거 없는 주민번호 수집이 금지되면서 도입된 13자리의 무작위 번호로 온라인상에서 사용되는 아이핀과 달리 오프라인 상에서 주민번호를 대신한다, 유출시 폐기 가능하며 5회까지 변경이 가능하고 유효기간은 3년이다

▶KMS(Knowledge Management System) : 지식 관리 시스템, 조직 내의 지식을 관리하는 분산 하이퍼미디어 시스템, 분산되어 있는 다양한 데이터를 효과적으로 저장, 관리, 활용하여 관리자의 의사결정을 지원하는 정보시스템, OLAP, 데이터마이닝 기술을 이용한다


■ 정보경영

▶Strategic Information System(전략적 정보 시스템) : 이전의 정보 시스템이 업무의 합리화나 효율성에 초점을 두었던 것에 반하여, 기업이 경쟁에서 승리하여 살아남기 위한 필수적인 시스템

▶Decision Support System(결정 지원 시스템) : 회사의 경영층의 의사결정자의 계산 부담을 줄여주고, 정보를 도식화 하여 분석모형과 데이터를 제공함으로써 의사결정자의 의사 결정을 보다 효율적으로 도와주는 응용프로그램

▶Executive Information System(경영 정보 시스템) : DSS의 일종으로 최고 경영진에게 전략적인 의사 결정에 필요한 정보를 제공하는 체계를 일컫는 사업 용어

▶Chief Knowledge Officer(지식 총괄 책임자) : 지식의 보존을 통해 기업 가치가 최대로 되도록 하는 책임자를 일컫는다

▶Corporate Performance Management(기업 성과 관리) : 경영계획-성과분석- 예측- 전략분석- 시뮬레이션 / 예측 경영을 통한 최적의 의사 결정을 내릴 수 있게 해주는 시스템

앵커 4

융복합개요 수료증을 원하시는 분은 아래 인적사항과 학습성취도 테스트를 작성하여 제출해 주시기 바랍니다.


■ 수료증평가기준


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평가기준 핵심은 "강의텍스트와 동영상강의내용에 대한 올바른 이해"입니다.

따라서 총 학점의 60%는 여러분께서 얼마나 강의를 잘 이해하였냐에 대한 과제제출입니다. 모든 과제는 절대평가이며 각 과제는 점수차가 있습니다. 


■ 자가채점 기준은 다음과 같습니다. 

1) IT개론, 컴퓨터와 인터넷용어 학습 (20%) : 학습 보고서 제출
2) IT전문가용어 학습 (20%) : 학습보고서 제출
3) IT와 경영학습 (40%) ; 학습보고서 제출
4) IT전문가과정 소감 정리 (40%) ; 과제제출(영문)

■ 모든 단계는 iace@iacewd.org로 순서적으로 제출해 주시기 바랍니다.   

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